
Showing posts from February, 2018

Misnomers in Political Science

Earlier this semester, I entered a course in the Texas A&M Political Science department centering on state and local government, called POLS 207. Now, with this course being placed in the liberal arts college, I expected a fair liberal bias. At first, I was encouraged by my professor, Dr. Roblyer, when he stated that he was politically independent and voted for both sides. Having looked him up on Rate my Professor , I heard a great many good things about him both on the website and around campus. However, when we came to the third chapter in our studies, focusing on political cultures, I was quite disappointed at the blatant mislabeling of conservative principles that I can only imagine have been spread for some time. Firstly, we used the famous political scientist Daniel Elazar's theory of three primary political cultures. To briefly explain what the theory stated, it essentially pigeonholed vast swathes of political ideologies into three groups of overall culture: tradition...